Platform Tennis
Weekly Wednesday Night Round-Robin Play
If you attended a 101 clinic in the last few years or have stared playing and want to have regular play against other players, we have a weekly, round-robin game play with instruction/coaching every Wednesday through mid-March. For information and registration details please email Bruce Crocco at [email protected].
Thursday, March 13th 6:00-9:00pm in the Upstairs Ballroom
It’s time to get excited about summer GCTA team tennis! Plan to catch up with teammates and get ready for another awesome season. We will have uniform info and samples for trying on and ordering, as well as sign-up lists for the various daytime/evening teams. There will be light snacks and member charge bar. We hope to see you all there!
New to tennis at WHCC? Stop by to learn about team tennis or Tennis 101/102.