Racquet Sports


Platform Updates

Introduction to Platform Tennis (101) Clinics
October 6th and 20th
The best way to get started, or restarted, no matter what your level is, would be to come to one of our 101 clinics for both men and women. We will provide an overview of the rules and equipment, and do some drills to understand the basic shots. The dates for the 101 clinics will have two sessions to choose from to fit your schedule. Session 1 will run 1:00-2:15pm, and session 2 will run from 2:30- 4:00pm. Practice paddles and balls will be available. If you plan to come, please email us at [email protected]. Walk-ins are also welcome. If you cannot make any of the dates listed above but still would like to learn, contact us at the listed email.
Wednesday Play and Learn for New Players
6:30-8:00pm starting October 23rd
We will also have a weekly opportunity to have instructor-guided match play and short clinics on Wednesdays starting October 23rd. Watch for weekly club emails and social media for more details. It is a great way to play regularly, improve your skill level, and meet other players. All you need to do is show up!

We look forward to seeing you all on the court. If you would like to sign up for the clinics, have any general questions, or want to learn but cannot make one of the dates, please feel free to email [email protected], or call or text our Platform Tennis Committee Chair, Bruce Crocco, at 614-313-7360, and we will get back to you right away. 

Questions, Comments, Concerns?
Email us at: [email protected]

Worthington Hills Country Club
920 Clubview Blvd. South
Columbus, OH 43235
Phone : 614-885-9516    |    Fax : 614-436-3090
Email: [email protected]